On Friday 26th November we'll be joined by Andy Bennett, IT Operations Manager at Jaguar Land Rover. Andy will share his team's experience moving more than 15,000 Jaguar Land Rover employees to Google Apps. He will detail both the resulting cost savings and the new ways of working that Google Apps has encouraged.

Jeremy Vincent, CIO of Jaguar Land Rover, gives us a taste of the session:

"We switched our entire global organisation (15,000+ users) to Gmail, Calendar and Contacts in one weekend in December 2009, saving around £1.75m in total one-off migration costs as we separated from our former parent company.

Now, almost one year in, we have a truly enterprise-wide common critical business application which is delivering benefits continuously, especially as we turn on more Google applications and as Google continuously improves its product set."

To hear more about Jaguar Land Rover’s switch to Google Apps attend this live webcast, Friday 26th Nov 2010 at 11.00 GMT. Register today.

This session will be moderated by Angela Ashenden, Principal Analyst at MWD Advisors.