I'm a big fan of Google forms because they allow me to quickly gather information from many people without clogging up my inbox. Whether it's a quick poll to a handful of coworkers or an in-depth company-wide survey, forms allow me to efficiently collect, organize, and store structured data without disrupting my email experience. Unless, of course, a user makes a mistake or changes his mind after submitting his response form. Those of you who regularly use online surveys know what happens next: emails begin to appear in your inbox asking you to manually update responses, defeating your attempts at efficiency. I’m happy to announce new functionality in Google forms available to businesses, schools, and organizations using Google Apps that solves this problem by allowing users to edit their own responses.

Now, when you create a form, you will see the option to allow users to edit responses.

Users choosing to edit submitted responses will see their previous answers and be able to make edits, which will automatically be reflected in your spreadsheet and in the summary of responses.

Whether you're ordering T-shirts for your team or planning a company-wide off-site, you no longer need to deal with shirt size or RSVP change requests in your inbox. By making it easy for users to edit their own responses, you can enhance the accuracy of your results while eliminating the need for manual updates.

Users can edit their responses from the link in the form submission confirmation page or from the email confirmation, if one is sent. For more information, please see our Help Center documentation.

Update 10/12: We've found a bug that affects the "Edit your response" feature in Google Forms, so we'll be turning it off until it's fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience, we'll keep you posted.