Rescheduling meetings made easy
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Outside of our Gmail inboxes, we, like many businesses, spend quite a bit of time in meetings – and scheduling and rescheduling meetings. And we know that trying to get a group of people with busy schedules into the same empty conference room at the same time can be quite a challenge.
As a result, our Calendar team began noodling on how to help solve group scheduling difficulties. The result is a new experimental feature called Smart Rescheduler, available in Google Calendar Labs. Smart Rescheduler automatically generates a list of good meeting times that would work for invitees when someone has a conflict. Through the power of search and cloud computing, employees can now focus even more time on the real business at hand.
As a Labs feature, Smart Rescheduler may not work exactly as you’d expect each time, but we wanted to share this feature with customers while it’s still in the testing phase to hear how it’s working in the real world. If you have ideas or suggestions, we welcome your feedback.
Businesses, schools and organizations can start using Calendar Labs once their Google Apps administrator selects ‘Turn on new features’ in the Google Apps control panel. Once new features are enabled there, users can enable Labs in Google Calendar’s settings page.
Happy Scheduling!