Bringing log search to the cloud: Introducing Message Log Search for Postini
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Today, we're introducing a new feature for Google Postini Services: Message Log Search. This feature delivers the search and analysis capabilities normally available with on-premise solutions, but without the associated complexity or maintenance.
When messages pass through the Postini service, header and transaction data about these messages is stored in a log. Previously, admins only had access to this data through customer support. With the Message Log Search feature, email administrators can now easily run searches on these logs and drill down to the details about how specific messages were processed.
For example, admins can view the disposition of messages, such as whether a message or group of messages was delivered, quarantined, archived, or encrypted.
Say an admin was checking the delivery status of all inbound emails from Matthew Smith:

Message Log Search returns results which include who received the message, date/time, disposition, and more. Click the image below for full view.

Customers trying a beta version of Message Log Search have found many useful, time-saving applications for the feature. For example, Dave Lugo at Affiliated Computer Systems is "very happy" that Message Log Search helps him track errant emails and easily resolve the "they didn't get it / we didn't get it" tickets he receives from his users. Joe Stark at HeidelbergCement uses log searching to "proactively search for problem senders" and block them entirely from his network.
Other customers have found that the Message Log Search interface is "very fast and responsive," and helps them to determine the effectiveness of new content policies and gain insight into traffic patterns across their organization.
These are a few examples that illustrate the flexibility and power of Message Log Search, and starting today, you can try the feature for yourself. Message Log Search is now available through the Postini service administration console to Postini and Google Apps Premier Edition customers.
For more information on Google Postini Services, please visit
Note: Message Log Search data is managed and stored in Google datacenters pursuant to the privacy and data confidentiality provisions spelled out in our customer agreements. The message security service stores information about messages in a log, such as how it is processed, but does not store the content of messages.
Posted by Gopal Shah, Google Postini team
When messages pass through the Postini service, header and transaction data about these messages is stored in a log. Previously, admins only had access to this data through customer support. With the Message Log Search feature, email administrators can now easily run searches on these logs and drill down to the details about how specific messages were processed.
For example, admins can view the disposition of messages, such as whether a message or group of messages was delivered, quarantined, archived, or encrypted.
Say an admin was checking the delivery status of all inbound emails from Matthew Smith:

Message Log Search returns results which include who received the message, date/time, disposition, and more. Click the image below for full view.

Customers trying a beta version of Message Log Search have found many useful, time-saving applications for the feature. For example, Dave Lugo at Affiliated Computer Systems is "very happy" that Message Log Search helps him track errant emails and easily resolve the "they didn't get it / we didn't get it" tickets he receives from his users. Joe Stark at HeidelbergCement uses log searching to "proactively search for problem senders" and block them entirely from his network.
Other customers have found that the Message Log Search interface is "very fast and responsive," and helps them to determine the effectiveness of new content policies and gain insight into traffic patterns across their organization.
These are a few examples that illustrate the flexibility and power of Message Log Search, and starting today, you can try the feature for yourself. Message Log Search is now available through the Postini service administration console to Postini and Google Apps Premier Edition customers.
For more information on Google Postini Services, please visit
Note: Message Log Search data is managed and stored in Google datacenters pursuant to the privacy and data confidentiality provisions spelled out in our customer agreements. The message security service stores information about messages in a log, such as how it is processed, but does not store the content of messages.
Posted by Gopal Shah, Google Postini team