Maps without keys
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
As we continue to expand the capabilities of Google Maps API Premier, such as offering access over https and supporting unlimited address-level reverse geocoding, we see that our users increasingly host applications across a large number of domains. In the past, Google Maps API sites have required that an an associated key be provided whenever the API is used, which required managing multiple keys for various domains. We've heard that this process can be cumbersome, and in response, we've introduced maps without keys, exclusively for Premier users.
What does this change? First, it's no longer necessary for Google Maps API Premier customers to supply a key when using the API. Second, we will no longer issue keys to new customers. In place of the key, we will now validate requests against a list of domains that we'll maintain for your client ID.
This change arrives in conjunction with the launch of our new site for technical documentation specific to Google Maps API Premier. Check it out for more details on how to update existing applications and take advantage of key-less mapping. For more information on adding Google Maps API Premier to your site, please contact us here.
Posted by Thor Mitchell, Technical Solutions Engineer, Google Maps API Premier