When you have a new product or promotion, or recent news to share on your website, it's important that visitors and customers can find it with ease. On a homepage where real estate for promotions and links is limited, search is the universal key to unlocking all of the content on a site - the fastest way to share information with the world.

At Google, we realize that for many businesses and organizations, site updates represent some of their most important and valuable content. As more and more visitors turn to search as a first source for information, it's vital that new pages and site changes be reflected in search results.

That's why today, we're excited to introduce On-Demand Indexing, a new feature for Google Site Search - our hosted search solution - that gives site owners full control to incorporate new pages and updates into search results on their website.

On-Demand Indexing gives site owners an "Index Now" button, making it fast and easy to index new content for search as soon as its available. New pages are searchable within hours -- taking no longer than a day to appear within site search results. This complements Google's regular updating of website indexes, which occurs as Google web crawlers index the greater web.

For more information about On-Demand Indexing, and how Google Site Search can help your online business or website, check out the video below, or visit us at www.google.com/sitesearch.