In these uncertain times, like many folks, you may be trying to find ways of doing more with less.  You may already know how easy it is to use Google Apps to power your business email, calendar and instant messaging applications.  But you may not yet have discovered the power of our online collaboration tools that are included in the Google Apps suite - Google Sites, Google Video and Google Docs.  Last month we began a series of online seminars to focus the spotlight on innovative uses of Google Apps in the workplace.  We spoke with internal teams at Google on how they use Google Apps to manage teams and product launches and also Home Care Assistance, a customer who has grown its business 15-fold using the dynamic duo of Google AdWords and Apps.  We received a lot of good feedback and also questions on two topics in particular:  Moving to hosted applications sounds great but how should my business evaluate whether hosted applications are right for us?  And, if we move our business data "to the cloud," just how secure, private and confidential is all my data on Google?  So, for October, we have invited guest speakers to discuss the following topics:

A strategy for lean times:  Adopt a hosted messaging and collaboration solution with Google Apps.  If you’re thinking about upgrading your messaging and collaboration tools, come listen to Michael Osterman of Osterman Research on Thursday, October 9, 10AM PDT.  He will talk about factors to consider in moving to hosted solutions and how to best prepare for a smooth transition. Register here at Google Apps Online Seminars.

Investigate the Security of Google Apps.  Learn the steps that Google's taking to keep your Google Apps data safe on Thursday, October 23, 10AM PDT.  Hear from Google Apps security expert, Eran Feigenbaum, on new updates to Google's processes and technology that make our web applications even more secure.  Register here at Google Apps Online Seminars.

We hope you will join us for these live seminars.  But, if you can't make it, you can always listen to them later on at our Google Apps channel on Youtube.  We also keep our Google Calendar Gadget update-to-date with informative webinars and other events.  As always, let us know if there are specific topics you'd like to see us cover.  Thanks again for your interest!

Posted by Serena Satyasai, Google Apps Marketing