Savings Measured in Millions
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Lakehead University became our first large-scale deployment of Google Apps for Education in Canada and shared with us some truly impressive statistics. Lakehead transitioned 38,000 students, faculty and alumni to Google Apps for Education in just one week. We think that getting all three of these groups on the same collaboration system should have a huge impact on learning (and student social calendars) as well as keep alumni involved in the campus community. Users should be excited about going from 60 MB of storage on their prior email system to 2 GB with Google Apps - eliminating the need to delete those large project files that happen to become useful come finals time.
What's most impressive is that Shahzad Jafri, Lakehead's Chief Information Officer, estimates that Lakehead will save $2-3 million in maintenance costs annually as well as $6 million in infrastructure costs - which is a big win for us and them! Read their press release for more information.