Want to do more with Google Apps? Tap into a community of over 6,000 experts.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
While Google Apps for Business is built for simplicity, many businesses and organizations have found a way to go beyond the basics with Google Apps. How? These companies have taken advantage of the expertise of a Google Apps Reseller. Google Apps Resellers have invested people, time, and resources into becoming an expert on and providing specialized services for Google Apps – so you don’t have to.
When should you engage a Google Apps Reseller? Here are some ways that Resellers have assisted businesses to date:
- Assessing the initial move to cloud-based solutions
- Helping set up and manage Google Apps
- Training employees to fully explore and use the many features of Google Apps
- Data, data, data – migrating data, implementing data policies, managing storage with Google Drive, and more
- Integrating Google Apps with other business applications
- And more, including support, network and security management, and building Google Sites
This community has grown to over 6,000 resellers, serving businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions around the world. Our resellers have always been the trusted face of your relationship with Google Apps, managing everything from billing to your support needs. Within the community is a set of Google Apps Premier Resellers. These experts have proven an exceptional level of success helping Google Apps customers, and they have staff who are officially certified in deploying Google Apps. We named one Premier Reseller, Cloud Sherpas, Partner of the Year earlier this year for their track record and strong customer references.
Want to get connected with a Google Apps expert? Let us know and we’ll put you in touch.