Security First: Google at the Security Confab Conference
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Last week the Google Enterprise team participated in the 5th Annual Security Confab in Monterey, CA, from July 12-14. The Confab event brought together information security leaders from public and private sector organizations to discuss thought-provoking topics around information and cyber security issues.
At the conference, John Collins, Google’s Sr. Global Trust Product Manager, presented a talk entitled “Private Insecurities and Public Transparency.” John compared the attributes of public clouds and so-called private clouds in an attempt to dispel the myth that private clouds offer cost and productivity benefits without security concerns. In fact, the opposite is true: private clouds do not deliver the same benefits as public clouds, but they still require significant investment to secure and protect.
For more information about how we protect the data our customers store in Google Apps, visit our Google Apps Trust page. Many of the protections are highlighted in our security white paper and data center video tour. We take extreme measures to protect our users’ data and we are constantly innovating to develop new features and capabilities in these areas.