Google Enterprise is now talking on twitter under the name GoogleAtWork. GoogleAtWork will share information on product updates, webinars, things happening with customers, media coverage for things that we offer or do, and other news. We're also using twitter to listen to things that people are saying about us and the organizations we want to serve.

The conversation is just getting started, and we're excited to already have a growing crowd of followers. We're sharing a picture of them here:

Thanks to TwitterSheep for this cool illustration, displaying the self-proclaimed attributes in the profiles of our followers.

"Twitter?," some may ask. It's the 140-character "microblogging" site that's gained a huge fan base for both individuals and organizations – and we're glad to be joining the ranks. We think it will be a great community and home for the Google Enterprise team, and we hope that you'll follow us there. Here's how:

If you're already using Twitter, simply click here and choose "follow". If you're not using Twitter yet, sign up here – it's easy, and free – and then "follow" GoogleAtWork.

This blog won't change at all based on our use of twitter – except in one way: you can now see a stream of our twitter conversation on the right margin of this page (you may have to scroll down a bit).

If you have ideas or suggestions about how you'd like to see us use twitter, add them here – or better yet, follow us and enjoy the new voice of GoogleAtWork .

Posted by Ellen Petry Leanse, Google Enterprise Team