The Risks and Rewards of Google Apps
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When we talk to businesses interested in Google Apps, we're often asked the questions, Who is using Google Apps and how did they make the decision to switch? A key factor for many companies making the switch is cost savings and, as a result, we've seen more IT folks involve their finance counterparts in the decision-making and internal sell process. But even with significant cost savings, IT admins and finance naturally want to understand what risks there might be in moving their companies to Google Apps to decide if their companies are ready for change.
We thought that one of our customers would be the perfect person to answer these questions. Tom Kelly, is the CFO and CIO of 2nd Wind Exercise. This specialty retailer of exercise equipment has managed the rapid growth of its business using Google Apps while saving money at the same time. As an early adopter of Google Apps, Tom can tell you what has worked and what hasn't from both an IT and finance perspective. We hope you can join us for a lively discussion.
Tom will tell his story and answer questions on a live webinar tomorrow at 1PM East/12PM Central/10AM Pacific. Register here.
We will also continue to post the recordings to our YouTube channel. Thanks again for your support!