Thanks to you, Google Apps has grown in numbers of users and diversity of products.  We're encouraged by the stories you've sent us on how you're using Google Apps to change the way you do business, save money for your company and improve service to your internal customers.  We're often asked to share ideas on how customers can use Google Apps to do things that they couldn't do before and so, we're kicking off a webinar series focused on Google Explorers such as yourself.  We'll shine the spotlight on IT evangelists, business owners and productivity gurus who have employed the suite of Google Apps - (which includes Sites, Video, Docs, Spreadsheets, Calendar, Gmail and Start Page) - to more broadly share information, organize projects and collaborate and communicate more effectively.  We'll also cover other topics from time to time, which we hope you'll find informative, such as demonstrating new functionality, hearing from industry experts and sharing tips on best practices.

Please join us at the following three events this month:

Run your business on Internet time! Lily Sarafan, COO of Home Care Assistance, discusses how her company has used Google Apps to grow nationally in a few short years on Thursday, September 18, 10AM PDT.  Learn how Google Apps and AdWords have helped boost profitability at this national staffing franchisor. Register here.

Use Google Apps to achieve rapid time-to-market. Three internal teams at Google delve into how they used Sites and other Google Apps to rapidly launch a new product on Tuesday, September 16, 11AM PDT.  Find out how Google product teams are able to release early and often.  Register here.

Introducing Google Video for business.  Get a demo of Google Video, the latest addition to Google Apps Premier Edition, on Tuesday, September 9, 11AM PDT.  Google Video provides secure, private video sharing for organizations.  Learn how other organizations are using Google Video and get your privacy, security and deployment questions answered.  Register here.

If you can't make it for the live presentation, you can find recordings of them on our Google Apps channel on 
Youtube. Also be sure to check out our Google Calendar gadget where we'll announce new webinars and other Google events.  And, always let us know if there are topics you'd like to see us cover.  Thanks!