Since first launching Google Site Search, thousands of customers have been using Site Search to power search on their websites. Customers have also been reaching out to us to share different ways they have been using the tool to connect people to more information about their organizations, products and services. 

One of the most interesting stories come from Adobe, which integrated Google Site Search into this week's launch of Creative Suite 4, a milestone release of such desktop applications as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash and other popular Adobe flagship products. 

Adobe is using Google Site Search as part of Creative Suite 4's Community Help to connect suite customers to Help content on and off including tutorials, technical support, online product help, videos, articles, tips and techniques, blogs, examples and other resources.

The most intriguing thing about this implementation is that Adobe desktop customers don't have to leave their software to connect to the wealth of help information in the cloud -- blending and blurring the lines between online and offline content in the first Google Site Search implementation of its kind. 

The Adobe team also mentioned that they loved exclusive features only offered in Google Site Search: advanced customization by utilizing XML feed technology and consistent brand messaging (ads and Google branding optional).

We love the Adobe story because it illustrates one of the many ways an innovative, forward - thinking company can use the power of Google Site Search to connect their users to information they need and improve their overall experience. Find out more about Adobe Community Help here. And, of course, if you have a similar story about how you're using Google Site Search, please send us an email to